CRM 2011: vypnutí kontrol “System Checks” při instalaci

Nejčastější problém při instalaci CRM 2011 jsou kontroly systémových komponent, stačí se jenom trošku odchýlit od doporučených postupů a problémy při deploy organizací jsou na snadě.


Vypnutím kontrol lze obejít nejčastější chyby jako:


  • A Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011 component is installed on the computer where Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server Reporting Services Setup is being run.
  • The SQL Server Reporting Services account is a member of the Active Directory SQLAccessGroup security group. This can occur when the Reporting Services is running under the same account as another Microsoft Dynamics CRM component.
  • All Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011 components, SQL Server, and Reporting Services are installed on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Server Small Business Edition where Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector for SQL Server Reporting Services Setup is being run.
  • The SQL Server Reporting Services account is set as „Local Service.“

Systémové kontroly lze vypnout úpravou registrů:

  • spusťte regedit.exe
  • přidejte klíč IgnoreChecks s DWORD typem a hodnotou nastavenou na 1

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