Enumerace všech kolekcí webů a vypsání stavu zámku (site collection lock)

Vstupní parametry:

  • nejsou





	Enumerate all site collections and write out lock status
	NAME: .\CheckSiteCollectionsLock.ps1
	AUTHOR: novotny@devit.cz

Add-pssnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction silentlycontinue

$webApps = Get-SPWebApplication | foreach {
	write-host "Web App: " $_.Url
	$sites = $_.Sites | foreach {
		write-host "   $($_.RootWeb.Url) ($($_.RootWeb.Title)): " -foregroundcolor Green -NoNewline
		if ($_.ReadOnly -eq $false -and $_.ReadLocked -eq $false -and $_.WriteLocked -eq $false) { 
			write-host "Unlocked" -foregroundcolor Green
		else {
			if ($_.ReadOnly -eq $false -and $_.ReadLocked -eq $false -and $_.WriteLocked -eq $true) { 
				write-host "Adding Content Prevented" -foregroundcolor Red
		    elseif ($_.ReadOnly -eq $true -and $_.ReadLocked -eq $false -and $_.WriteLocked -eq $true) { 
				write-host "Read-only" -foregroundcolor Red
		    elseif ($_.ReadOnly -eq $null -and $_.ReadLocked -eq $null -and $_.WriteLocked -eq $null) { 
				write-host "No Access" -foregroundcolor Red
			if ($_.lockissue -ne $null) {
		          write-host "      Message: $($_.LockIssue)" -BackgroundColor Red


CheckSiteCollectionsLock.ps1 (1,27 kb)

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